Our game-based
learning platform

Game-based learning in action.
Different environments

Uniform building blocks

Uniform building blocks such as dialogues, quizzes and interactions in the gameworld can create tailor made scenario's that fits your learning goals.

Multilingual and multi-platform

Our game-based platform is multilingual and suitable for mobile, desktop and VR.

Monthly new content

The content in our platform is expanded monthly and the user is informed via push notifications.

User progress and metric

Progress and metrics are logged in specific online dashboard or pushed to the companies LMS system.
To monitor  how your employees are learning and improving.

Content creation

All content is created and reviewed in cooperation with known experts in their field in pressure cooker sessions with our gamedesigners and developers.

We create new scenarios with our online case builder, together with experts, that fit your learning goals.

Where needed custom animations will be made
Your scenario is up and running in a couple of sessions

Increased engagement

Gamifications elements challenges you as a player to complete the scenario

Better learning retention

Learning by doing in a realistic environment makes that what you learn will stick longer

Relevance to the job

Scenario based training let you apply what you've learned directly to your daily job

Upskill your employees.
Start with game-based learning?